W. Lang, Aug 07 2007

 Number of organic (also called increasing) labellings of rooted ordered trees.
 Organic labelling means that the vertex labels along the (unique) path from the root with label 0 to any leaf (non-root vertex of degree 1) is increasing.

 The length of row n is C(n):=A000108(n) (Catalan numbers): [1,1,2,5,14,42,...].

 Isomorphic rooted trees are separated by vertical bars. The number of rooted trees with n non-root vertices is [1, 1, 2, 4, 9, 20,...]=A000081(n+1), n>=0.

 The row sums give [1,1,3,15,105,945,..] = A001147(n).

 A035342(n,1), first column of S2(3) triangle.

 For the rooted ordered trees with n=0,..,5 non-root vertices see the W. Lang link.
 n\m    1   2  3   4   5   6   7  8     9 10  11   12  13   14   15 16 17  18 19   20 21 22 23   24 25 26   27 28   29 30  31 32  33  34  35 36  37  38  39 40  41  42 
  0     1   

  1     1   

  2     2 | 1
  3     6 | 3  3 | 2 | 1

  4    24 |12 12  12 | 8   8 | 6 | 6 |  4  4 | 3    3 | 2 |  1
  5   120 |60 60  60  60 |40  40  40 | 30 30  30 | 30  30 | 24 | 20 20 20 |20 20 | 15 15 15 15 | 12 12 12 | 10 10 | 10 10 | 8  8 | 6 | 6 | 5  5 | 4   4 | 3  3 | 2 | 1   

  n\m    1   2  3   4   5   6   7  8     9 10  11   12  13   14   15 16 17  18 19   20 21 22 23   24 25 26   27 28   29 30  31 32  33  34  35 36  37  38  39 40  41  42

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