a(n,m) tabl head (triangle) for  A130191 (Stirling2 squared)

   n\m    0        1         2         3         4         5        6       7     8    9 ...

   0      1        0         0         0         0         0        0       0     0    0

   1      0        1         0         0         0         0        0       0     0    0

   2      0        2         1         0         0         0        0       0     0    0

   3      0        5         6         1         0         0        0       0     0    0

   4      0       15        32        12         1         0        0       0     0    0

   5      0       52       175       110        20         1        0       0     0    0

   6      0      203      1012       945       280        30        1       0     0    0

   7      0      877      6230      8092      3465       595       42       1     0    0

   8      0     4140     40819     70756     40992     10010     1120      56     1    0

   9      0    21147    283944    638423    479976    156072    24570    1932    72    1

E.g.f. for row polynomials (in variable x): with exp(x*f(z)) with f(z):= exp(exp(z)-1)-1.

E.g.f. column m:  (f(x)^m)/m!, m>=0, with f(x)=exp(exp(x)-1)-1.

The row sums give: =[1, 1, 3, 12, 60, 358, 2471, 19302, 167894, 1606137,...] = A000258.

The alternating row sums give: [1,-1,-1,0,6,32,115,172,-2030,-29013,-250051,...] = A130410.

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