Smallest possible side length for a simple perfect squared square of order n; or 0 if no such square exists.
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 112, 110, 110, 120, 147, 212, 180, 201, 221, 201, 215, 185, 223, 218, 225, 253, 237
It is not known whether this sequence is the same as sequence A217148. It may be that A129947(33) = 246 and A217148(33) = 234. - Geoffrey H. Morley, Jan 10 2013
From Geoffrey H. Morley, Oct 17 2012: (Start)
A squared rectangle (which may be a square) is a rectangle dissected into a finite number, two or more, of squares. If no two of these squares have the same size the squared rectangle is perfect. The order of a squared rectangle is the number of constituent squares.
A squared rectangle is simple if it does not contain a smaller squared rectangle.
The smallest known sides of simple perfect squared squares (and the known orders of the squares) are 110 (22, 23), 112 (21), 120 (24), 139 (22, 23), 140 (23), 145 (23), 147 (22, 25) ...
The upper bounds shown below for n = 38 and 40-44 are from J. B. Williams. The rest are from Gambini's thesis. - Geoffrey H. Morley, Mar 08 2013
Upper bounds for a(n) for n = 38 to 59
| +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
30 | - - - - - - - - 352 360
40 | 328 336 360 413 425 543 601 691 621 779
50 | 788 853 ? 824 971 939 929 985 1100 1060
Stuart E. Anderson, 'Special' Perfect Squared Squares, accessed 2014. - N. J. A. Sloane, Mar 30 2014
I. Gambini, Quant aux carrés carrelés, Thesis, Université de la Méditerranée Aix-Marseille II, 1999, pp. 73-78.
Ed Pegg Jr., Advances in Squared Squares, Wolfram Community Bulletin, Jul 23 2020.
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Perfect Square Dissection
Alexander Adamchuk, Jun 09 2007, corrected Jun 11 2007
Unproved statement misattributed to Skinner replaced, known upper bounds corrected, and crossref added by Geoffrey H. Morley, Mar 19 2010
Additional term added, initial term a(0)=1 deleted by Stuart E Anderson, Dec 26 2010
Upper bounds for terms a(31) to a(78), (all from Ian Gambini's thesis) added by Stuart E Anderson, Jan 20 2011
New bound for a(29)<=221, from Stuart E Anderson & Ed Pegg Jr, Jan 20 2011
a(29) confirmed as 221, from Stuart E Anderson, Ed Pegg Jr, and Stephen Johnson, Aug 22 2011
New bound for a(31)<=236, computed by Stephen Johnson in September 2011, updated by Stuart E Anderson, Oct 04 2011
a(30) from Stuart E Anderson and Lorenz Milla added by Geoffrey H. Morley, Jun 15 2013
a(31) and a(32) from Lorenz Milla and Stuart E Anderson, Oct 05 2013
For additional terms see the Ed Pegg link, also A006983. - N. J. A. Sloane, Jul 29 2020
a(33) to a(37) from J. B. Williams, added by Stuart E Anderson, Oct 27 2020