Numerators of the continued fraction convergents of the decimal concatenation of the lower bound of twin primes.

%I #4 Oct 01 2013 21:35:21

%S 0,1,1,6,7,13,33,46,79,204,283,487,770,1257,3284,4541,7825,12366,

%T 20191,517141,537332,17711765,35960862,89633489,10702346053,

%U 53601363754,439513256085,493114619839,932627875924,2358370371687,3290998247611

%N Numerators of the continued fraction convergents of the decimal concatenation of the lower bound of twin primes.

%F The lower bounds of twin primes 3,5,11,17... are concatenated and then preceded by a decimal point to create the fraction N = .35111729... . This number is then evaluated with n=0,m=steps to iterate,x = N, a(0)=floor(N) using the loop: do a(n)=floor(x) x=1/(x-a(n)) n=n+1 loop until n=m

%o (PARI) cattwinsL(n) = a=".";forprime(x=3,n,if(ispseudoprime(x+2),a=concat(a,Str(x)))); a=eval(a) cfrac2(m,f) = { default(realprecision,1000); cf = vector(m+10); cf = contfrac(f); for(m1=1,m-1, r=cf[m1+1]; forstep(n=m1,1,-1, r = 1/r; r+=cf[n];); numer=numerator(r); denom=denominator(r); print1(numer","); ) }

%K frac,nonn,base

%O 0,4

%A _Cino Hilliard_, Apr 16 2007

%E Edited by _Charles R Greathouse IV_, Apr 25 2010