%I #4 Aug 24 2012 10:49:57
%S 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,18,35,36,103,104,106,107,108,134,135,256,257,
%T 295,296,298,299,306,307,386,387,421,422,468,469,575,576,792,793,865,
%U 866,962,963,1008,1009,1061,1062,1476,1477,1495,1496,2032,2033,2376,2377
%N Consecutive numbers n and (n+1) that raised to the same exponent m produce two numbers for which the sum of their digits gives n and (n+1).
%e 17^3=4913 (4+9+1+3=17) and 18^3=5832 (5+8+3+2=18)
%e 306^26= 42536043213832457558766474492498614961439017908885402928656941056
%e (sum of the digits equal to 306) and
%e 307^26= 46301788027092145989912680349353041288862842956233592928809850249
%e (sum of the digits equal to 307)
%Y Cf. A124359, A124360, A124361, A124362, A046019, A124364, A124365.
%K nonn,base
%O 1,2
%A _Paolo P. Lava_ and _Giorgio Balzarotti_, Oct 30 2006