%I #3 Aug 24 2012 10:49:57
%S 1,9,28,36,54,90,108,135,154,181,207,225,234,307,360,388,469,523,540,
%T 685,720
%N Numbers n for which the sum of the digits of n^k and the sum of the digits of n^(k+1), for some k, is equal to n.
%e 18^6=34012224 (3+4+0+1+2+2+2+4=18) and 18^7=612220032 (6+1+2+2+2+0+0+3+2=18)
%e Again 36^4=1679616 (1+6+7+9+6+1+6=36) and 36^5=60466176 (6+0+4+6+6+1+7+6=36)
%Y Cf. A124359.
%K nonn,base
%O 0,2
%A _Paolo P. Lava_ and _Giorgio Balzarotti_, Oct 27 2006