Size |S| of the largest subset S of {0,1}^n whose measure m(S) is <= 2^n, where m is the additive measure defined on each element x of S by m({x}) = 2^k(x), where k(x) is the number of non-null coordinates of x.
1, 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 19, 32, 52, 89, 158, 262, 426, 725, 1287, 2154, 3498, 5931, 10485, 17940, 28965, 48813, 85775, 150923, 241735, 404082, 704598, 1275594, 2031915, 3363953, 5812312, 10438620, 17194101, 28160524, 48156310, 85702564
This is an upper bound to sequence A115992; I do not know whether the two sequences are equal. The proof goes by projecting a queen (see definition of A115992), i.e. an element q of {0,1,2}^n, to the element p(q) of {0,1}^n obtained by substituting 0 for 2. Let also D(q) = { q' in {0,2}^n | if q_i <> 1 then q'_i = q_i }; then |D(q)| = m(p(q)). Two queens q and q' attack each other if and only if either p(q)=p(q') or D(q) and D(q') meet. Conclusion left to the reader.
a(4)=6=|S| with S containing (0,0,0,0) (of measure 1), plus the 4 permutations of (1,0,0,0) (each of measure 2), plus (1,1,0,0) (of measure 4). Total measure of S is 1+4*2+4=13, while {0,1}^4 itself has measure 16 and all remaining elements of {0,1} have measure >= 4 so none of them can complete S.
def q3ub(n):
sum = 0;
vlm = 2**n; # 2 to the n-th power
combi = 1; # combinatorial coefficient (n k)
for k in range(n+1): # for k := 0 to n
c = min(combi, vlm);
sum = sum + c;
vlm = vlm - c;
vlm = vlm // 2; # integer division, result is truncated
combi = (combi * (n-k)) // (k+1) # division is exact
#end for k
return sum
Cf. A115992 (of which this is an easier upper bound).
Sequence in context: A140443 A224957 A115992 * A136424 A116732 A367736
Frederic van der Plancke (fplancke(AT)hotmail.com), Feb 10 2006