a(n) is the largest base-9 string such that the n-th number coprime to 9 does not divide any substring of a(n).

%I #5 Oct 19 2017 03:15:00

%S 7,777,8787,886845,7777777,878754321,8888787871,887885887811,

%T 8878878767816,878787878787878,8888888677748678,888888887867751312,

%U 8787878787873543211,888878888387777136788,8888888888486868617568

%N a(n) is the largest base-9 string such that the n-th number coprime to 9 does not divide any substring of a(n).

%e a(3) = 777 (base 9) because the 3rd number coprime to 9 is 4, and 4 does not divide any substring of a(3).

%K nonn,base

%O 2,1

%A _Don Reble_, Feb 20 2006