Number of permutations of [n] avoiding the pattern 12-34.

%I #48 Feb 21 2025 16:46:14

%S 1,1,2,6,23,107,585,3669,25932,203768,1761109,16595757,169287873,

%T 1857903529,21823488238,273130320026,3627845694283,50962676849199,

%U 754814462534449,11754778469338581,191998054346198680

%N Number of permutations of [n] avoiding the pattern 12-34.

%C a(n) is the number of permutations on [n] that avoid the vincular pattern 12-34 (also the number that avoid 43-21).

%C a(n) is also the number of permutations on [n] that avoid the vincular pattern 12-43 (or 21-34 or 34-21 or 43-12) or 21-43 (or 34-12). - _David Bevan_, Nov 15 2023

%C a(n) is also the number of {3,2+2}-free naturally labeled posets. - _David Bevan_, Nov 15 2023

%H David Bevan, <a href="/A113226/b113226.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..471</a>

%H A. M. Baxter, <a href="https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/2c5d/79e361d3aecb25c380402144177ad7cd9dc8.pdfindex.html">Algorithms for Permutation Statistics</a>, Ph. D. Dissertation, Rutgers University, May 2011.

%H Andrew M. Baxter and Lara K. Pudwell, <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/1108.2642">Enumeration schemes for dashed patterns</a>, arXiv preprint arXiv:1108.2642 [math.CO], 2011.

%H David Bevan, Gi-Sang Cheon and Sergey Kitaev, <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.08023">On naturally labelled posets and permutations avoiding 12-34</a>, arXiv:2311.08023 [math.CO], 2023.

%H Sergi Elizalde, <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/math/0505254">Asymptotic enumeration of permutations avoiding generalized patterns</a>, arXiv:math/0505254 [math.CO], 2005.

%H Sergi Elizalde, <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aam.2005.05.006">Asymptotic enumeration of permutations avoiding generalized patterns</a>, Adv. in Appl. Math. 36 (2006), no. 2, 138-155.

%H Steven Finch, <a href="http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~sfinch/csolve/av.pdf">Pattern-Avoiding Permutations</a> [Broken link?]

%H Steven Finch, <a href="/A240885/a240885.pdf">Pattern-Avoiding Permutations</a> [Cached copy, with permission]

%F In the recurrence coded in Mathematica below, w[n] = # (12-34)-avoiding permutations on [n]; v[n, a] is the number that start with a descent and have first entry a; u[n, a, k, b] is the number that start with an ascent and that have (i) first entry a, (ii) other than a, all ascent initiators <k, (iii) second entry b. The summation index c denotes the next ascent initiator after a. The indices j1, j2, i, j all count entries lying strictly between a and c in position and with value in the intervals: j1 in [k, b), j2 in (c, k), i in (b, n], j in (c, b).

%e 523146 contains 2346 as a 12-34 pattern because the 23 and 46 are adjacent in the permutation and the reduced form of 2346 is 1234.

%t Clear[u, v, w]; w[0] = w[1] = 1; w[n_] /; n >= 2 := w[n] = u[n] + v[n];

%t v[n_] /; n >= 2 := v[n] = Sum[v[n, a], {a, 2, n}]; v[1, 1] = 1;

%t v[n_, a_] /; 2 <= a <= n :=

%t v[n, a] = Sum[u[n - 1, b], {b, a - 1}] + Sum[v[n - 1, b], {b, 2, a - 1}];

%t u[1] = 1; u[n_] /; n >= 2 := u[n] = Sum[u[n, a], {a, n - 1}]; u[1, 1] = 1;

%t u[n_, a_] /; a == n := 0; u[n_, a_] /; 1 <= a < n := u[n, a, n];

%t u[1, 1, k_] := 1; u[2, 1, k_] := 1; u[n_, a_, k_] /; a >= n := 0;

%t u[n_, a_, k_] /; 1 <= a < n && n >= 3 :=

%t u[n, a, k] = Sum[u[n, a, k, b], {b, a + 1, n}];

%t u[n_, a_, k_, b_] /; 1 <= a < b <= n && k >= b + 2 := u[n, a, b + 1, b];

%t u[n_, a_, k_, b_] /; 1 <= a < n && b == n && k == n + 1 := u[n, a, n, n];

%t u[n_, a_, k_, b_] /; 1 == a < b == n && k == 2 := 1;

%t u[n_, a_, k_, b_] /; 1 <= a < b <= n && k <= b :=

%t u[n, a, k, b] =

%t Sum[Binomial[b - k - If[k <= a, 1, 0], j1] Binomial[

%t k - 1 - If[a < k, 1, 0] - c, j2]*

%t u[n - 2 - j1 - j2, c, k - If[a < k, 1, 0] - j2], {c,

%t k - 1 - If[a < k, 1, 0]}, {j1, 0, b - k - If[k <= a, 1, 0]}, {j2, 0,

%t k - 1 - If[a < k, 1, 0] - c}];

%t u[n_, a_, k_, b_] /; 1 <= a < b < n && k == b + 1 && {a, b} == {1, 2} := 1;

%t u[n_, a_, k_, b_] /; 1 <= a < b < n && k == b + 1 && {a, b} != {1, 2} :=

%t u[n, a, k, b] =

%t Sum[Binomial[n - b, i] Binomial[b - 2 - c, j] u[n - 2 - i - j, c,

%t b - 1 - j], {c, b - 2}, {i, 0, n - b}, {j, 0, b - 2 - c}]; Table[

%t w[n], {n, 0, 15}]

%Y Cf. A135922 (3-free naturally labeled posets).

%K nonn,changed

%O 0,3

%A _David Callan_, Oct 19 2005