Same as A002880, but with orientation-reversing isomorphisms forbidden.

%I #18 Oct 03 2019 05:47:13

%S 1,0,1,1,3,2,12,16,59,133,445,1248,4162,13014,43474,143304,484444,

%T 1639388,5617205,19332596,67048051,233691112,819121608,2884443024,

%U 10204104900,36247138920,129264732757,462661038926,1661637913984

%N Same as A002880, but with orientation-reversing isomorphisms forbidden.

%H G. Brinkmann, S. Greenberg, C. Greenhill, B. D. McKay, R. Thomas, and P. Wollan, <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.disc.2005.10.005">Generation of simple quadrangulations of the sphere</a>, Discr. Math., 305 (2005), 33-54.

%H Gunnar Brinkmann and Brendan McKay, <a href="http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/plantri/">plantri and fullgen</a> programs for generation of certain types of planar graph.

%H Gunnar Brinkmann and Brendan McKay, <a href="/A000103/a000103_1.pdf">plantri and fullgen</a> programs for generation of certain types of planar graph [Cached copy, pdf file only, no active links, with permission]

%H CombOS - Combinatorial Object Server, <a href="http://combos.org/plantri">generate planar graphs</a>

%Y Cf. A113201, A078666, A007022, A002880, A113202, A113203, A113204.

%K nonn

%O 6,5

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Jan 07 2006