Column 1 of triangle A111541, which is the matrix logarithm of A111536.

%I #3 Mar 30 2012 18:36:50

%S 0,2,5,22,128,896,7220,65336,653720,7155104,84998768,1089232160,

%T 14981704736,220233312896,3447195190592,57261708795776,

%U 1006401042534272,18663532970127872,364283224523605760,7466218532765196800

%N Column 1 of triangle A111541, which is the matrix logarithm of A111536.

%C Column 0 of triangle A111541 is A111536.

%o (PARI) {a(n)=local(M=matrix(n+2,n+2,m,j,if(m==j,1,if(m==j+1,-m+1, -(m-j-1)*polcoeff(log(sum(i=0,m,(i+1)!/1!*x^i)),m-j-1))))); if(n<0,0,sum(i=1,#M,(M^0-M)^i/i)[n+2,2])}

%Y Cf. A111541 (triangle), A111538 (column 0), A111543 (column 2), A111536.

%K nonn

%O 0,2

%A _Paul D. Hanna_, Aug 06 2005