a(n) is the least number of prime factors for any abundant number with p_n (the n-th prime) as its least factor.
3, 5, 9, 18, 31, 46, 67, 91, 122, 158, 194, 238, 284, 334, 392, 456, 522, 591, 668, 749, 835, 929, 1028, 1133, 1242, 1352, 1469, 1594, 1727, 1869, 2019, 2163, 2315, 2471, 2636, 2802, 2977, 3157, 3342, 3534, 3731, 3933, 4145, 4358, 4581, 4811
If we replace "abundant" in the definition with "non-deficient", we get the same sequence with an initial 2 instead of 3, barring an astronomically unlikely coincidence with some as-yet-undiscovered odd perfect number. [This is sequence A107705. - M. F. Hasler, Jun 14 2017]
It appears that all terms >= 5 correspond to the odd primitive abundant numbers (A006038) which are products of consecutive primes (cf. A285993), i.e., of the form N = Product_{0<=i<r} prime(n+i) for some r, which turns out to be r = a(n). - M. F. Hasler, May 08 2017
From Jianing Song, Apr 21 2021: (Start)
Let x_1 < x_2 < ... < x_k < ... be the numbers of the form p of p^2 + p, where p is a prime >= prime(n). Then a(n) is the smallest N such that Product_{i=1..N} (1 + 1/x_i) > 2. See my link below for a proof.
For example, for n = 3, we have {x_1, x_2, ..., x_k, ...} = {5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 5^2 + 5, ...}, we have Product_{i=1..8} (1 + 1/x_i) < 2 and Product_{i=1..9} (1 + 1/x_i) > 2, so a(3) = 9. (End)
a(n) = A007684(n)-n+1, for n>1. A007741(n) = Product_{0<=i<a(n)} prime(n+i). - M. F. Hasler, Jun 15 2017
a(2) = 5 since 945 = 3^3*5*7 is an abundant number with p_2 = 3 as its smallest prime factor, and no such number exists with fewer than 5 prime factors.
(PARI) A108227(n, s=1+1/prime(n))=for(a=1, 9e9, if(2<s*=1+1/prime(n+a), return(a+1))) \\ M. F. Hasler, Jun 15 2017
(PARI) isform(k, q) = my(p=prime(k)); if(isprime(q) && (q>=p), 1, if(issquare(4*q+1), my(r=(sqrtint(4*q+1)-1)/2); isprime(r) && (r>=p), 0))
a(n) = my(Prod=1, Sum=0); for(i=prime(n), oo, if(isform(n, i), Prod *= (1+1/i); Sum++); if(Prod>2, return(Sum))) \\ Jianing Song, Apr 21 2021
Cf. A107705.
Cf. A001276 (least number of prime factors for a (p_n)-rough abundant number, counted without multiplicity).
Sequence in context: A074861 A281852 A120941 * A289912 A289914 A251704
Hugo van der Sanden, Jun 17 2005
Data corrected by Amiram Eldar, Aug 08 2019