%I #13 Jun 12 2017 19:18:10
%S 0,2,6,14,20,30,56,66,72,74,84,90,102,116,132,134,146,150,162,164,176,
%T 186,206,212,216,224,234,240,246,254,260,282,312,314,326,332,342,344,
%U 350,354,360,366,380,402,410,414,444,450,482,486,492,510,512,534,540
%N Numbers n such that 103*n + 101 is prime.
%C 101 and 103 are twin primes.
%H Harvey P. Dale, <a href="/A107369/b107369.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000</a>
%H Chris Caldwell, <a href="http://www.utm.edu/research/primes/lists/small/1ktwins.txt">The First 1,008 Twin Primes</a>.
%e If n=0, then 103*n + 101 = 101 (prime).
%e If n=74, then 103*n + 101 = 7723 (prime).
%p a:=proc(n) if isprime(103*n+101)=true then n else fi end: seq(a(n),n=0..700); # _Emeric Deutsch_
%t Select[Range[0,600],PrimeQ[103#+101]&] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Mar 14 2015 *)
%o (PARI) is(n)=isprime(103*n+101) \\ _Charles R Greathouse IV_, Jun 12 2017
%K nonn,easy
%O 1,2
%A _Parthasarathy Nambi_, May 24 2005
%E More terms from _Emeric Deutsch_, Jun 13 2005