from decimal import *
getcontext().prec = 1004

phi = Decimal(1+Decimal(5).sqrt())/2

a = 1 #F(m)
b = 1 #F(m+1)
k = 3 #Matching Spaces (starts at 3 to account for "1" and ".")
x = 1 #index
count = 1
keep = []
g = open("A104036b.txt","w")
while k < 1003:
    c = Decimal(b)/Decimal(a)
    if str(phi)[0:k] == str(c)[0:k]:
        g.write(str(count)+" "+str(x)+"\n")
        count += 1
        k += 1
    x += 1       
    j = b
    b = a+b
    a = j

# _David Consiglio, Jr._, Oct 09 2015