%I #14 Oct 02 2021 06:04:13
%S 2592,34425,312325,492205,3472875,10744475,13745725,13942125,14569245,
%T 14706125,16746975,19748225,60466176,189637632,373156875,381358125,
%U 514155276,684204032,1268929233,1297080225,1368408064,1527672265
%N Numbers, not ending with 0, that are "printer's errors".
%C Numbers that can be written as a^b*c^d*e^f*... and if all the multiplication and exponentiation signs are deleted then abcdef... is the same decimal number. The final multiplicand in the product, uniquely, may or may not include an explicit exponent.
%C It is not clear from the link whether there may be other printer's errors in between the listed terms. The linked page says merely "Here is a list of all the known printer's errors in base 10 with fewer than 100 digits".
%H E. Friedman, <a href="https://erich-friedman.github.io/mathmagic/0601.html">Printer's errors</a>
%e 13745725 is in the sequence because it equals 1^3*7^4*5725.
%e All the terms up to 10^10: 2^5*9^2, 3^4*425, 31^2*325, 49^2*205, 3^4*7^2*875, 1^0*7^4*4475, 1^3*7^4*5725, 1^3*9^4*2125, 1^4*569^2*45, 1^4*7^06*125, 1^6*7^4*6975, 1^9*7^4*8225, 6^04*6^6*1^76, 1^89*6^3*76^3*2, 3^7*3^1*56875, 3^8*1^3*58125, 51^4*1^552*76, 68^4*204^0*32 = 68^4*2^0*4^0*32, 1^2*689^2*9^2*33, 1^29*7^08*0225, 1^3*68^4*08^0*64, 1^52*7^6*7^2*265, 1^68*8^5*0227^2, 1^8103*17^6*75 = 1^8*1^03*17^6*75, 1^897*43^4*555, 301^0*51^4*445 = 3^0*1^0*51^4*445, 4185^0*9^7*875, 95^0*99^004*99.
%e 9509900499 = 95^0*99^004*99.
%Y Two other versions of the "printer's errors" sequence are A156322 and A116890.
%K nonn,base,nice
%O 1,1
%A _Lekraj Beedassy_, Jun 22 2004
%E Edited by _Matthew Vandermast_, Jun 27 2004
%E More terms and examples from _Giovanni Resta_, Feb 27 2006