Rules: 1. If a set of a player's stones has no "open edge" then the other player get the set of stones.
2. If the sets of both player's stones has no "open edge" in a configuration, then a player who made this configuration get the set of the other player's stone.
3. A player never make a configuration in which his stones have no open edge and the other player's stones have an open edge.
A board is represented as follows.
+ + + +
+ o x +
+ + + +
"o" means a white stone, "x" means a black stone.
"Open edge" : An edge which has one node without a stone. Example:
+ x x +
x o o x
+ x x +
The center set of white stones has no "open edge", so black player gets them. Six black stones have "open edges" like this : "x +".
Note that the rules do not specify when a player wins, so the game never terminates.
For 4<=n, a(n) = n * 2^p * ( Sum_{0<=k<=m} ( Sum_{0<=i<=h_k} n_k/2^i ) - 1 ) where p = m Mod 2, n_0 = n, n_k = n - [n_{k-1}/2^(h_{k-1}+1)] - 1, 2^h_k is the highest power of two dividing n_k: n_m/2^h_m = 1.
The case n=3:
t 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 7
+ x x x x x + x x + x x
+ + + x x x + + o o o +
+ + o o + o o o o o o +
t=1 and t=7 are the same, so the period is 6.
a(12) = 12 * 2^0 * (12 + 6 + 3 + 10 + 5 + 9 + 7 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 - 1) = 792.
Yasutoshi Kohmoto, Aug 01 2004; revised Apr 23 2008