Numbers that can be expressed as the difference of the squares of primes in exactly eight distinct ways.

%I #3 Mar 30 2012 17:29:14

%S 7728,17160,25080,26040,30360,35112,42840,50160,53592,56760,63840,

%T 65520,67320,68640,79800,90480,93912,95880,98280,105672,106680,112560,

%U 120360,135408,135960,139080,139128,140448,148512,150360,154440,158928

%N Numbers that can be expressed as the difference of the squares of primes in exactly eight distinct ways.

%e 7728 = 97^2-41^2 = 107^2-61^2 = 113^2-71^2 = 173^2-149^2 =

%e 283^2-269^2 = 487^2-479^2 = 647^2-641^2 = 1933^2-1931^2

%Y Cf. A090781, A090782, A090788, A092000-A092020.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Ray Chandler_, Feb 22 2004