%I #4 Dec 05 2013 19:56:19
%S 11,23,41,47,71,107,131,173,227,263,281,347,431,491,557,617,647,677,
%T 761,839,953,1163,1283,1361,1493,1583,1667,1811,1907,1931,1973,2039,
%U 2111,2207,2333,2417,2459,2543,2621,2663,2711,2741,2777,2819,2897,2963,3089
%N Primes arising as the arithmetic mean of a pair of successive terms of A086523.
%C Every term == -1 (mod 6). Conjecture: every prime of the form 6k-1 is a member.
%Y Cf. A086519, A086522, A086523.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Jul 30 2003
%E More terms from _Ray G. Opao_, Jan 24 2005