%I #13 Sep 25 2023 07:47:27
%S 1,5,15,34,68,126,222,358,609,982,1722,2932,5317,9612,18539,34949,
%T 68876,134632,267329,528921,1057402,2103882,4207541,8398104,16799430,
%U 33566249,67148298,134231998,268500559,536897299,1073860323,2147505848
%N Antidiagonal sums of table A084287, in which the k-th row is the product of the k-th prime with the antidiagonals of the first k rows of the table.
%o (PARI) A = matrix(50, 50); for (i = 1, 50, A[1, i] = 2^(i - 1)); for (j = 2, 50, count = 0; p = prime(j); for (d = 1, j, for (x = 1, d, y = d + 1 - x; count++; if (count <= 50, A[j, count] = p*A[x, y]))); d = j; while (count < 50, d++; for (x = 1, j, y = d + 1 - x; count++; if (count <= 50, A[j, count] = p*A[x, y])))); for (d = 1, 50, s = 0; for (y = 1, d, x = d + 1 - y; s += A[x, y]); print1(s, ", ")); \\ _David Wasserman_, Dec 13 2004
%Y Cf. A084287.
%K nonn
%O 1,2
%A _Paul D. Hanna_, May 25 2003
%E Corrected and extended by _David Wasserman_, Dec 13 2004