Decimal expansion of Sum_(1/(2^q-1)) with the summation extending over all pairs of integers gcd(p,q) = 1, 0 < p/q < Pi.

%I #23 May 25 2023 11:45:48

%S 6,0,0,7,8,7,4,0,1,5,7,4,8,0,3,1,4,9,6,0,6,2,9,9,2,1,2,5,9,8,4,2,5,1,

%T 8,7,1,4,4,9,1,9,9,6,5,2,9,2,6,6,9,7,1,6,8,8,3,2,6,0,7,6,1,7,7,6,7,4,

%U 3,2,8,6,9,3,7,1,5,0,5,7,5,9,4,2,2,6,1,5,0,8,9,0,4,8,0,9,4,5,9,1,5,6,9,0,1

%N Decimal expansion of Sum_(1/(2^q-1)) with the summation extending over all pairs of integers gcd(p,q) = 1, 0 < p/q < Pi.

%H Kevin O'Bryant, <a href="https://doi.org/10.1006/jnth.2001.2743">A generating function technique for Beatty sequences and other step sequences</a>, Journal of Number Theory, Volume 94, Issue 2, June 2002, Pages 299-319.

%F Equals Sum_{k>=1} (1/2)^floor(k/Pi) = Sum_{k>=1} 1/2^A032615(k).

%e 6.007874015...

%t With[{digmax = 120}, RealDigits[Sum[1/2^Floor[k/Pi], {k, 1, 20*digmax}], 10, digmax][[1]]] (* _Amiram Eldar_, May 25 2023 *)

%Y Cf. A000796 (Pi).

%Y Cf. A081544, A081564, A081573.

%K cons,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Benoit Cloitre_, Apr 21 2003

%E Data corrected by _Amiram Eldar_, May 25 2023