a(n) = denominator(N), where N = 0.135..up to (2n-1)(concatenation 1 to 2n-1 of first n odd numbers after decimal point).

%I #5 Dec 05 2013 19:55:57

%S 10,100,200,1000,10000,10000000,1000000000,20000000000,10000000000000,

%T 1000000000000000,100000000000000000,10000000000000000000,

%U 40000000000000000000,100000000000000000000000

%N a(n) = denominator(N), where N = 0.135..up to (2n-1)(concatenation 1 to 2n-1 of first n odd numbers after decimal point).

%K base,frac,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Nov 24 2002

%E Corrected and extended by _Sascha Kurz_, Jan 04 2003