Smallest composite number == 1 mod first n prime numbers.

%I #5 Oct 03 2014 12:02:09

%S 9,25,91,841,6931,30031,510511,9699691,223092871,6469693231,

%T 601681470391,7420738134811,304250263527211,13082761331670031,

%U 614889782588491411,32589158477190044731,1922760350154212639071

%N Smallest composite number == 1 mod first n prime numbers.

%e a(5) = 6931 is the smallest composite number c such that c-1= 6930 is divisible by 2310, the product of first 5 prime numbers 2,3,5,7 and 11.

%o (PARI) g(n) = prod(i=1,n, prime(i)); k(n) = m=1; while(isprime(m*g(n)+1),m=m+1); print(m*g(n)+1); for(i=1,30,k(i))

%Y Cf. A075063.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Sep 08 2002

%E More terms from _Matthew Conroy_, Sep 10 2002