Comments from Lambert Klasen on A074701 The answer to the question is yes. Sketch of a proof: (1) phi(n^m) = n^(m-1)phi(n) (2) mu(phi(d)) = +-1 iff d is of the form p,2p,p^2 or 2p^2 for some prime p. Follows already with the mu function (3) If phi(n)%4==0 and n is in A074701, so is n^m. (4) If phi(n)%4==2 and n is in A074701, then n^m not. Now take a look at the first divisors: (3),(4) and the special case 4 from (2) leave two cases to consider: If phi(n)%4==2 there are at least the two divisors 1 and 2 of phi(n), else if phi(n)%4==0 there are at least the divisors 1,2 and 4, and cause mu(phi(4))=-1, we get for sure the partsums 3/2 phi(n) or 5/4 phi(n). With (2) and since phi(n) is even, additional divisors occur in pairs p,2p or p^2 and 2p^2. Also mu(phi(p))=mu(phi(2p)) and mu(phi(p^2))=mu(phi(2p^2)). So the two above partsums are extended by summands of the form +-3phi(n)/2p or +-3phi(n)/2p^2. Now assume phi(n)%4==2: We get for some primes p_i (5) 2n = 3phi(n) + 3phi(n)sum(+-1/p_i^k), k_i in {1,2} Obviously 3|n. With (4) and if the right summand is assumed zero, n=3 is the only solution to (5). Else, substituting n'=n/3, we get (6) n' = phi(n')(1 + sum(+-1/p_i^k)) Follows n' is even. Extracting 2 from n', we get (7) 2n' = phi(n')(1+sum(+-1/p_i^k)) Follows (if the sum ever gets integer, which is doesn't) n is of the form p^k, where p is a prime of the form 4k+3. (8) 2p^k = (p-1)p^(k-1)(1+sum(+-1/p_i^k)) (9) 2p = (p-1)(1+sum(+-1/p_i^k)) And obviously there is no other solution then 3. Now assume phi(n)%4==0. We get (10) 4n = 5phi(n) + 6phi(n)sum(+-1/p_i^k)) Obviously 5|n. If the right summand is assumed zero, n=5 is the only prime solution to (10). With (3) follows all powers of 5 are in A074701. Substituting n'=n/5 in (10) we get (11) 5n' = 5phi(n') + 6phi(n')sum(+-1/p_i^k)) (12) n' = phi(n')(1+ 6/5 sum(+-1/p_i^k)) Now, first extract 2^k from n' (13) 2^kn' = 2^(k-1)phi(n')(1+6/5 sum(+-1/p_i^k)) (14) 2n' = phi(n')(1+6/5 sum(+-1/p_i^k)) and the same argument as above. Lambert Klasen (lambert.klasen(AT), Oct 07 2005