Primes ordered so that their most significant digits form the digits of Pi.

%I #9 Dec 11 2024 17:56:57

%S 3,11,41,13,5,97,2,61,53,31,59,83,907,7,911,37,23,307,89,43,67,29,601,

%T 47,311,313,809,317,211,71,919,503,223,811,821,401,17,929,73,19,607,

%U 937,331,941,947,337,79,509,101,521,823,2003,953,701,409,967,419,421,523

%N Primes ordered so that their most significant digits form the digits of Pi.

%C In case of a 0 use two digits.

%H Sean A. Irvine, <a href="/A073622/b073622.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%Y Cf. A000796, A073623, A073624.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Aug 08 2002

%E More terms from Antonio G. Astudillo (afg_astudillo(AT)lycos.com), Apr 25 2003