Start of the first occurrence of two consecutive numbers divisible by an n-th power.

%I #15 Feb 22 2020 20:54:24

%S 1,8,80,80,1215,16767,76544,636416,3995648,24151040,36315135,

%T 689278976,1487503359,1487503359,155240824832,785129144319,

%U 4857090670592,45922887663615,157197025673216,1375916505694208,2280241934368767

%N Start of the first occurrence of two consecutive numbers divisible by an n-th power.

%C Essentially the same as A063528. [_R. J. Mathar_, Sep 29 2008]

%e (8, 9) is the first occurrence of two consecutive numbers divisible by a square, so a(2) = 8.

%t a = {1, 1}; k = 4; Do[ While[Min[a] < n, k++; a = Drop[a, 1]; a = Append[ a, Max[ Transpose[ FactorInteger[k]] [[2]] ]]]; Print[k - 1], {n, 2, 9}] (* _Robert G. Wilson v_ *)

%Y Cf. A069021.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Apr 02 2002

%E More terms from Larry Reeves (larryr(AT)acm.org), Oct 12 2003