%I #26 Feb 19 2020 08:53:47
%S 1,81,100,324,400,1296,2025,2401,2704,2916,4225,5184,6400,7744,8100,
%T 10000,11664,12544,20736,26244,32400,33124,36100,39204,40000,46656,
%U 59049,63504,72900,75625,88209,104329,104976,122500,123201,129600
%N Numbers n such that the square root of n is an integer and a multiple of the sum of the digits of n.
%H Mehrad Mahmoudian, <a href="/A067521/b067521.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>
%H Mehrad Mahmoudian, <a href="https://gitlab.com/m.mahmoudian/coding-oeis/-/blob/master/A067521/A067521.R">R code to produce the sequence</a>
%e 18^2=324, 18=2*(3+2+4), so 324 is in the sequence.
%p dig := X->convert((convert(X,base,10)),`+`); seq(`if`(isprime(i)=false,`if`(i mod dig(i^2)=0,i^2,NULL),NULL),i=1..1000);
%t Select[Range[500]^2,Divisible[Sqrt[#],Total[IntegerDigits[#]]]&] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Jul 15 2013 *)
%Y Subsequence of squares (A000290).
%Y Cf. A067520 (similar for triangular numbers).
%K base,easy,nonn
%O 1,2
%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Feb 14 2002
%E More terms from _Sascha Kurz_ and Francois Jooste (phukraut(AT)hotmail.com), Mar 18 2002
%E Definition corrected by _Harvey P. Dale_, Jul 15 2013