Working in base 2, replace n with the concatenation of its prime factors (without repetition).

%I #4 Mar 31 2017 22:06:48

%S 1,10,11,10,101,1011,111,10,11,10101,1011,1011,1101,10111,11101,10,

%T 10001,1011,10011,10101,11111,101011,10111,1011,101,101101,11,10111,

%U 11101,1011101,11111,10,111011,1010001,101111,1011,100101,1010011

%N Working in base 2, replace n with the concatenation of its prime factors (without repetition).

%t Prepend[ Table[ FromDigits[ Flatten[ IntegerDigits[ Transpose[ FactorInteger[n]] [[1]], 2]]], {n, 2, 50} ], 1]

%Y Cf. A064841.

%K base,easy,nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Robert G. Wilson v_, Nov 01 2001