3rd level triangle related to Eulerian numbers and binomial transforms (A062253 is second level, triangle of Eulerian numbers is first level and triangle with Z(0,0)=1 and Z(n,k)=0 otherwise is 0th level).

%I #7 Mar 30 2012 18:51:34

%S 1,6,0,25,10,0,90,120,15,0,301,896,406,21,0,966,5376,5586,1176,28,0,

%T 3025,28470,55560,27910,3123,36,0,9330,139320,456525,437100,122520,

%U 7860,45,0,28501,646492,3312078,5339719,2912833,494802,19096,55,0

%N 3rd level triangle related to Eulerian numbers and binomial transforms (A062253 is second level, triangle of Eulerian numbers is first level and triangle with Z(0,0)=1 and Z(n,k)=0 otherwise is 0th level).

%C Binomial transform of n^3*k^n is ((kn)^3 + 3(kn)^2 + (1 - k)(kn))*(k + 1)^(n - 3); of n^4*k^n is ((kn)^4 + 6(kn)^3 + (7 - 4k)(kn)^2 + (1 - 4k + k^2)(kn))*(k + 1)^(n - 4); of n^5*k^n is ((kn)^5 + 10(kn)^4 + (25 - 10k)(kn)^3 + (15 - 30k + 5k^2)(kn)^2 + (1 - 11k + 11k^2 - k^3)(kn))*(k + 1)^(n - 5); of n^6*k^n is ((kn)^6 + 15(kn)^5 + (65 - 20k)(kn)^4 + (90 - 120k + 15k^2)(kn)^3 + (31 - 146k + 91k^2 - 6k^3)(kn)^2 + (1 - 26k + 66k^2 - 26k^3 + k^4)(kn))*(k + 1)^(n - 6). This sequence gives the (unsigned) polynomial coefficients of (kn)^3.

%F A(n, k)=(k+3)*A(n-1, k)+(n-k)*A(n-1, k-1)+A062253(n, k).

%e Rows start (1), (6,0), (25,10,0), (90,120,15,0), etc

%Y First column is A000392. Diagonals include A000007 and all but the start of A000217. Row sums are A000399.

%Y Taking all the levels together to create a pyramid, one face would be A010054 as a triangle with a parallel face which is Pascal's triangle (A007318) with two columns removed, another face would be a triangle of Stirling numbers of the second kind (A008277) and a third face would be A000007 as a triangle, (cont.)

%Y (cont.) with a triangle of Eulerian numbers (A008292), A062253, A062254 and A062255 as faces parallel to it. The row sums of this last group would provide a triangle of unsigned Stirling numbers of the first kind (A008275).

%K nonn,tabl

%O 0,2

%A _Henry Bottomley_, Jun 14 2001