%I #3 Oct 15 2013 22:30:55
%S -3,2,5,13,29,61,109,251,509,1021,2029,4093,8179,16381,32749,65519,
%T 131059,262139,524269,1048573,2097133,4194301,8388571,16777213,
%U 33554371,67108859,134217649,268435367,536870909,1073741783,2147483629,4294967291,8589934513,17179869143
%N Primes -p+2^n with smallest p prime, arising in A057674.
%e n=1, 2^1=2. If 2,3,5 are subtracted from 2, then 0,-1 and -3 arise, of which -3 is a prime so a(1)=-3. n=11, 2048-p=q. At first p=29 gives the prime q=2029.
%Y Cf. A056206, A056208, A056662, A057674.
%K sign
%O 0,1
%A _Labos Elemer_, Oct 19 2000