Number of n-bead necklace structures using a maximum of four different colored beads.
1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 39, 103, 367, 1235, 4439, 15935, 58509, 215251, 799697, 2983217, 11187567, 42109451, 159082753, 602809327, 2290684251, 8726308317, 33318661277, 127479700199, 488672302909, 1876500180291, 7217308815887, 27799998949873, 107228568948547
Turning over the necklace is not allowed. Colors may be permuted without changing the necklace structure.
M. R. Nester (1999). Mathematical investigations of some plant interaction designs. PhD Thesis. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. [See A056391 for pdf file of Chap. 2]
Use de Bruijn's generalization of Polya's enumeration theorem as discussed in reference.
From Robert A. Russell, May 29 2018: (Start)
a(n) = (1/n) * Sum_{d|n} phi(d) * ([d==0 mod 12] * (4*S2(n/d+3, 4) - 24*S2(n/d+2, 4) + 44*S2(n/d+1, 4) - 24*S2(n/d, 4)) + [d==6 mod 12] * (3*S2(n/d+3, 4) - 18*S2(n/d+2, 4) + 33*S2(n/d+1, 4) - 18*S2(n/d, 4)) + [d==4 mod 12 | d==8 mod 12] * (3*S2(n/d+3, 4) - 19*S2(n/d+2, 4) + 38*S2(n/d+1, 4) - 24*S2(n/d, 4)) + [d==3 mod 12 | d=9 mod 12] * (2*S2(n/d+3, 4) - 13*S2(n/d+2, 4) + 26*S2(n/d+1, 4) - 15*S2(n/d, 4)) + [d==2 mod 12 | d=10 mod 12] * (2*S2(n/d+3, 4) - 13*S2(n/d+2, 4) + 27*S2[n/d+1,4) - 18*S2(n/d, 4)) + [d mod 12 in {1,5,7,11}] * (S2(n/d+3, 4) - 8*S2(n/d+2, 4) + 20*S2(n/d+1, 4) - 15*S2(n/d, 4))), where S2(n, k) is the Stirling subset number, A008277.
G.f.: 1 - Sum_{d>0} (phi(d) / d) * ([d==0 mod 12] * log(1-4x^d) + [d==6 mod 12] * 3*log(1-4x^d) / 4 + [d==4 mod 12 | d==8 mod 12] * (2*log(1-4x^d) + log(1-x^d)) / 3 + [d==3 mod 12 | d=9 mod 12] * (3*log(1-4x^d) + 2*log(1-2x^d)) / 8 + [d==2 mod 12 | d=10 mod 12] * (5*log(1-4x^d) + 4*log(1-x^d)) / 12 + [d mod 12 in {1,5,7,11}] * (log(1-4x^d) + 6*log(1-2x^d) + 8*log(1-x^d)) / 24).
Adn[d_, n_] := Module[{ c, t1, t2}, t2 = 0; For[c = 1, c <= d, c++, If[Mod[d, c] == 0 , t2 = t2 + (x^c/c)*(E^(c*z) - 1)]]; t1 = E^t2; t1 = Series[t1, {z, 0, n+1}]; Coefficient[t1, z, n]*n!]; Pn[n_] := Module[{ d, e, t1}, t1 = 0; For[d = 1, d <= n, d++, If[Mod[n, d] == 0, t1 = t1 + EulerPhi[d]*Adn[d, n/d]/n]]; t1/(1 - x)]; Pnq[n_, q_] := Module[{t1}, t1 = Series[Pn[n], {x, 0, q+1}] ; Coefficient[t1, x, q]]; a[n_] := Pnq[n, 4]; Table[Print[an = a[n]]; an, {n, 1, 25}] (* Jean-François Alcover, Oct 04 2013, after N. J. A. Sloane's Maple code *)
(* This program uses Gilbert and Riordan's recurrence formula, which they recommend for calculations: *)
Adn[d_, n_] := Adn[d, n] = If[1==n, DivisorSum[d, x^# &],
Expand[Adn[d, 1] Adn[d, n-1] + D[Adn[d, n-1], x] x]];
Table[SeriesCoefficient[DivisorSum[n, EulerPhi[#] Adn[#, n/#] &]
/(n (1 - x)), {x, 0, 4}], {n, 1, 40}] (* Robert A. Russell, Feb 24 2018 *)
From Robert A. Russell, May 29 2018: (Start)
Table[(1/n) DivisorSum[n, EulerPhi[#] Which[Divisible[#, 12], 4 StirlingS2[n/#+3, 4] - 24 StirlingS2[n/#+2, 4] + 44 StirlingS2[n/#+1, 4] - 24 StirlingS2[n/#, 4], Divisible[#, 6], 3 StirlingS2[n/#+3, 4] - 18 StirlingS2[n/#+2, 4] + 33 StirlingS2[n/#+1, 4] - 18 StirlingS2[n/#, 4], Divisible[#, 4], 3 StirlingS2[n/#+3, 4] - 19 StirlingS2[n/#+2, 4] + 38 StirlingS2[n/#+1, 4] - 24 StirlingS2[n/#, 4], Divisible[#, 3], 2 StirlingS2[n/#+3, 4] - 13 StirlingS2[n/#+2, 4] + 26 StirlingS2[n/#+1, 4] - 15 StirlingS2[n/#, 4], Divisible[#, 2], 2 StirlingS2[n/#+3, 4] - 13 StirlingS2[n/#+2, 4] + 27 StirlingS2[n/#+1, 4] - 18 StirlingS2[n/#, 4], True, StirlingS2[n/#+3, 4] - 8 StirlingS2[n/#+2, 4] + 20 StirlingS2[n/#+1, 4] - 15 StirlingS2[n/#, 4]] &], {n, 1, 40}]
mx = 40; Drop[CoefficientList[Series[1 - Sum[(EulerPhi[d] / d) Which[
Divisible[d, 12], Log[1 - 4x^d], Divisible[d, 6],
3 Log[1 - 4x^d] / 4, Divisible[d, 4] ,
(2 Log[1 - 4x^d] + Log[1 - x^d]) / 3, Divisible[d, 3],
(3 Log[1 - 4x^d] + 2 Log[1 - 2x^d]) / 8,
Divisible[d, 2], (5 Log[1 - 4x^d] + 4 Log[1 - x^d]) / 12,
True, (Log[1 - 4x^d] + 6 Log[1 - 2x^d] + 8 Log[1 - x^d]) / 24], {d, 1, mx}], {x, 0, mx}], x], 1]
Sequence in context: A338320 A056354 A072534 * A106125 A175171 A073609