
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Number of ways to tile a 4 X n region with 1 X 1 and 2 X 2 tiles.
1, 1, 5, 11, 35, 93, 269, 747, 2115, 5933, 16717, 47003, 132291, 372157, 1047181, 2946251, 8289731, 23323853, 65624397, 184640891, 519507267, 1461688413, 4112616845, 11571284395, 32557042499, 91602704493, 257733967693, 725161963867
D. Abadie, J. Andreoli, S. Egan, T. Reddy, D. Xiong, Y. Zhao, and A. Zhu, On the Number of Tilings of a 4-By-N Rectangle with 1-By-1 and 2-By-2 Squares, Girls' Angle Bulletin, Vol. 15, No. 2 (2021), 8-12.
S. Heubach, Tiling an m-by-n area with squares of size up to k-by-k (m<=5), Congressus Numerantium 140 (1999), 43-64.
Richard M. Low and Ardak Kapbasov, Non-Attacking Bishop and King Positions on Regular and Cylindrical Chessboards, Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 20 (2017), Article 17.6.1, Table 7.
R. J. Mathar, Tiling n x m rectangles with 1 x 1 and s x s squares, arXiv:1609.03964 [math.CO], 2016, Section 4.1.
A. Ugolnikova, Pavages Aleatories, Phd Thesis (2016) Section 2.2.3
G.f.: (1-x)/(1-2*x-3*x^2+2*x^3). - N. J. A. Sloane, Nov 17 2002
a(n) = a(n-1)+4*a(n-2)+2*( a(n-3)+a(n-4)+...+a(0) ).
a(n) = 2*a(n-1)+3*a(n-2)-2*a(n-3). [See proofs in Mathar (a transfer matrix approach) and in Abadie et al.(direct proof).] - Keith Schneider (kschneid(AT)bulldog.unca.edu), Apr 02 2006
a(n) = Term (2,2) of matrix [5,1,1; 1,1,0; 1,0,1/2]*[2,1,0; 3,0,1; -2,0,0]^n. - Alois P. Heinz, May 18 2008
a(n) = F(n+1)^2 + Sum_{k=1..n-1} F(k)^2 * a(n-k-1), for n >= 0, where F(k) = A000045(k) (Fibonacci numbers), see Abadie, et al. - Richard S. Chang, Jan 21 2022
a(2) = 5 as there is one tiling of a 4x2 region with only 1 X 1 tiles, 3 tilings with exactly one 2 X 2 tile and one tiling consisting of two 2 X 2 tiles.
A:= Matrix([[5, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1/2]]); M:= Matrix([[2, 1, 0], [3, 0, 1], [ -2, 0, 0]]): a:= n->(A.M^n)[2, 2]: seq(a(n), n=0..50); # Alois P. Heinz, May 18 2008
f[{A_, B_}] := Module[{til = A, basic = B}, {Flatten[Append[til, ListConvolve[A, B]]], AppendTo[basic, 2]}]; NumOfTilings[n_] := Nest[f, {{1, 1}, {1, 4}}, n - 2][[1]] NumOfTilings[30]
(* Second program: *)
LinearRecurrence[{2, 3, -2}, {1, 1, 5}, 30] (* Jean-François Alcover, Jul 28 2018 *)
Cf. A054855.
Column k=4 of A245013. First differences of A046672.
Sequence in context: A189918 A318415 A164560 * A188161 A323352 A005178
Silvia Heubach (silvi(AT)cine.net), Apr 21 2000