First n-digit prime to begin a gap.

%I #7 Oct 28 2021 13:23:10

%S 2,23,139,1831,30593,162143,1100977,10343761,147684137,1202442089,

%T 12109172293,156798792223,1051602787181,20761252261751,

%U 110526670235599,1271309838631957

%N First n-digit prime to begin a gap.

%H <Thomas R. Nicely, <a href="/A007053/a007053_1.pdf">Some Results of Computational Research in Prime Numbers</a> [Local copy, pdf only] [ See local copy in A007053]

%F From the list of first occurrences of prime gaps, select first n-digit prime to begin a gap.

%e a(4)=1831, the first 4-digit prime to begin a gap.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Enoch Haga_, Mar 04 2000