Portuguese linear measures used in the 18th century.
1, 12, 24, 96, 144, 1152, 1188, 1728, 3456, 5760, 8640, 10368, 11520
Relations between the customary length units which were used in Portugal before the final adoption of the metric system in 1852. - Georg Fischer, Dec 21 2018
This list is not complete; other units and/or variants of these were used and officially established. There was also the Palmo de côvado of 8 polegadas de côvado, equal to 34/165 varas, and the Junta do Comércio had established the Palmo da Junta do Comércio of 10 polegadas da Junta, equal to 91/500 varas, for the purpose of standardizing measures used in trade with Portugal's colonies. According to the "Dictionnaire universel ..." the palmo used in Brazil was 8 + 7/12 polegada or 103 linha, but this was actually about 12% less than Portugal's palmo. - M. F. Hasler, Dec 21 2018
Horace Doursther, Dictionnaire universel des poids et mesures anciens et modernes..., Académie Royale de Bruxelles (1840), p. 375.
Wikipedia, Portuguese customary units, length units.
Wikipedia, Antigas unidades de medida portuguesa, medidas lineares (in Portuguese).
Author?, Palmo de craveira (etc.), on sizes.com. (Additional variants and references.)
a(1) = 1 corresponds to the ponto.
a(2) = 12 corresponds to the linha of 12 pontos.
a(3) = 24 corresponds to the grao of 2 linhas.
a(4) = 96 corresponds to the dedo of 8 linhas.
a(5) = 144 corresponds to the polegada of 12 linhas.
a(6) = 1152 corresponds to the palmo de craveira of 8 polegadas.
a(7) = 1188 corresponds to the palmo de craveira avantejado of 8 + 1/4 polegadas.
a(8) = 1728 corresponds to the pé of 12 polegadas.
a(9) = 3456 corresponds to the côvado of 3 palmos.
a(10) = 5760 corresponds to the vara of 5 palmos.
a(11) = 8640 corresponds to the passo geométrico of 5 pés.
a(12) = 10368 corresponds to the toesa of 6 pés.
a(13) = 11520 corresponds to the braça of 2 varas.
Sequence in context: A364726 A226493 A371922 * A290304 A289335 A056500
Examples and a(11) inserted by Charles R Greathouse IV, Dec 12 2018
a(7) inserted by M. F. Hasler, Dec 21 2018