Numbers (not of the form 9n+-4) that were conjectured not to be the sum of 3 positive or negative cubes. However, further research suggests that this sequence is in fact empty.

%I #8 Dec 17 2012 14:31:02

%S 33,42,52,74,110,114,156,165,195,290,318,366,390,420,444,452,478,501,

%T 530,534,564,579,588,600,606,609,618,627,633,732,735,758,767,786,789,

%U 795,830,834,861,894,903,906,912,921,933,948,964,969,975

%N Numbers (not of the form 9n+-4) that were conjectured not to be the sum of 3 positive or negative cubes. However, further research suggests that this sequence is in fact empty.

%C This sequence is incorrect. It is left in the database in case there are references or links to it.

%D R. K. Guy, Unsolved Problems in Number Theory, D5.

%H Hisanori Mishima, <a href="http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~KC2H-MSM/mathland/math04/matb0100">Title?</a>

%H Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, <a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CubicNumber.html">Cubic Number.</a>

%t 30 is not in the sequence because Plus@@({-283059965, -2218888517, 2220422932}^3) gives 30.

%Y Cf. A003072.

%K dead

%O 1,1