Numbers k such that 0 and 1 occur juxtaposed in the base-7 representation of k but not of k+1.

%I #7 Aug 25 2021 05:02:12

%S 7,56,99,105,148,154,197,203,246,252,295,301,399,442,448,491,497,540,

%T 546,589,595,638,644,687,699,742,785,791,834,840,883,889,932,938,981,

%U 987,1030,1042,1085,1128,1134,1177,1183,1226

%N Numbers k such that 0 and 1 occur juxtaposed in the base-7 representation of k but not of k+1.

%Y Cf. A007093.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Clark Kimberling_