a(0)=1; a(n)=2 for n >= 1.
1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Continued fraction expansion of sqrt(2) is 1 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + ...))).
Inverse binomial transform of Mersenne numbers A000225(n+1) = 2^(n+1) - 1. - Paul Barry, Feb 28 2003
A Chebyshev transform of 2^n: if A(x) is the g.f. of a sequence, map it to ((1-x^2)/(1+x^2))A(x/(1+x^2)). - Paul Barry, Oct 31 2004
An inverse Catalan transform of A068875 under the mapping g(x)->g(x(1-x)). A068875 can be retrieved using the mapping g(x)->g(xc(x)), where c(x) is the g.f. of A000108. A040000 and A068875 may be described as a Catalan pair. - Paul Barry, Nov 14 2004
Sequence of electron arrangement in the 1s 2s and 3s atomic subshells. Cf. A001105, A016825. - Jeremy Gardiner, Dec 19 2004
Binomial transform of A165326. - Philippe Deléham, Sep 16 2009
Let m=2. We observe that a(n) = Sum_{k=0..floor(n/2)} binomial(m,n-2*k). Then there is a link with A113311 and A115291: it is the same formula with respectively m=3 and m=4. We can generalize this result with the sequence whose g.f. is given by (1+z)^(m-1)/(1-z). - Richard Choulet, Dec 08 2009
With offset 1: number of permutations where |p(i) - p(i+1)| <= 1 for n=1,2,...,n-1. This is the identical permutation and (for n>1) its reversal.
Equals INVERT transform of bar(1, 1, -1, -1, ...).
Eventual period is (2). - Zak Seidov, Mar 05 2011
Also decimal expansion of 11/90. - Vincenzo Librandi, Sep 24 2011
a(n) = 3 - A054977(n); right edge of the triangle in A182579. - Reinhard Zumkeller, May 07 2012
With offset 1: minimum cardinality of the range of a periodic sequence with (least) period n. Of course the range's maximum cardinality for a purely periodic sequence with (least) period n is n. - Rick L. Shepherd, Dec 08 2014
With offset 1: n*a(1) + (n-1)*a(2) + ... + 2*a(n-1) + a(n) = n^2. - Warren Breslow, Dec 12 2014
With offset 1: decimal expansion of gamma(4) = 11/9 where gamma(n) = Cp(n)/Cv(n) is the n-th Poisson's constant. For the definition of Cp and Cv see A272002. - Natan Arie Consigli, Sep 11 2016
a(n) equals the number of binary sequences of length n where no two consecutive terms differ. Also equals the number of binary sequences of length n where no two consecutive terms are the same. - David Nacin, May 31 2017
a(n) is the period of the continued fractions for sqrt((n+2)/(n+1)) and sqrt((n+1)/(n+2)). - A.H.M. Smeets, Dec 05 2017
Also, number of self-avoiding walks and coordination sequence for the one-dimensional lattice Z. - Sean A. Irvine, Jul 27 2020
A. Beiser, Concepts of Modern Physics, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1973.
Jan Gullberg, Mathematics from the Birth of Numbers, W. W. Norton & Co., NY & London, 1997, §4.4 Powers and Roots, p. 144.
Paul Barry, A Catalan Transform and Related Transformations on Integer Sequences, Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 8 (2005), Article 05.4.5.
Bruce Fang, Pamela E. Harris, Brian M. Kamau, and David Wang, Vacillating parking functions, arXiv:2402.02538 [math.CO], 2024.
Kshitij Education, Molar specific heat.
Narad Rampersad and Max Wiebe, Sums of products of binomial coefficients mod 2 and 2-regular sequences, arXiv:2309.04012 [math.NT], 2023.
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Square root.
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Pythagoras's Constant.
Wikipedia, Poisson's constant.
G. Xiao, Contfrac.
G.f.: (1+x)/(1-x). - Paul Barry, Feb 28 2003
a(n) = 2 - 0^n; a(n) = Sum_{k=0..n} binomial(1, k). - Paul Barry, Oct 16 2004
a(n) = n*Sum_{k=0..floor(n/2)} (-1)^k*binomial(n-k, k)*2^(n-2*k)/(n-k). - Paul Barry, Oct 31 2004
A040000(n) = Sum_{k=0..floor(n/2)} binomial(n-k, k)*(-1)^k*A068875(n-k). - Paul Barry, Nov 14 2004
From Michael Somos, Apr 16 2007: (Start)
Euler transform of length 2 sequence [2, -1].
G.f. A(x) satisfies 0 = f(A(x), A(x^2), A(x^4)) where f(u, v, w) = (u-v)*(u+v) - 2*v*(u-w).
E.g.f.: 2*exp(x) - 1.
a(n) = a(-n) for all n in Z (one possible extension to n<0). (End)
G.f.: (1-x^2)/(1-x)^2. - Jaume Oliver Lafont, Mar 26 2009
G.f.: exp(2*atanh(x)). - Jaume Oliver Lafont, Oct 20 2009
a(n) = Sum_{k=0..n} A108561(n,k)*(-1)^k. - Philippe Deléham, Nov 17 2013
a(n) = 1 + sign(n). - Wesley Ivan Hurt, Apr 16 2014
10 * 11/90 = 11/9 = (11/2 R)/(9/2 R) = Cp(4)/Cv(4) = A272005/A272004, with R = A081822 (or A070064). - Natan Arie Consigli, Sep 11 2016
a(n) = A001227(A000040(n+1)). - Omar E. Pol, Feb 28 2018
sqrt(2) = 1.41421356237309504... = 1 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + ...)))). - Harry J. Smith, Apr 21 2009
G.f. = 1 + 2*x + 2*x^2 + 2*x^3 + 2*x^4 + 2*x^5 + 2*x^6 + 2*x^7 + 2*x^8 + ...
11/90 = 0.1222222222222222222... - Natan Arie Consigli, Sep 11 2016
Digits := 100: convert(evalf(sqrt(2)), confrac, 90, 'cvgts'):
ContinuedFraction[Sqrt[2], 300] (* Vladimir Joseph Stephan Orlovsky, Mar 04 2011 *)
a[ n_] := 2 - Boole[n == 0]; (* Michael Somos, Dec 28 2014 *)
(PARI) {a(n) = 2-!n}; /* Michael Somos, Apr 16 2007 */
(PARI) a(n)=1+sign(n) \\ Jaume Oliver Lafont, Mar 26 2009
(PARI) allocatemem(932245000); default(realprecision, 21000); x=contfrac(sqrt(2)); for (n=0, 20000, write("b040000.txt", n, " ", x[n+1])); \\ Harry J. Smith, Apr 21 2009
a040000 0 = 1; a040000 n = 2
a040000_list = 1 : repeat 2 -- Reinhard Zumkeller, May 07 2012
Convolution square is A008574.
See A003945 etc. for (1+x)/(1-k*x).
From Jaume Oliver Lafont, Mar 26 2009: (Start)
Sum_{0<=k<=n} a(k) = A005408(n).
Prod_{0<=k<=n} a(k) = A000079(n). (End)
Cf. A000674 (boustrophedon transform).
Cf. A001333/A000129 (continued fraction convergents).
Cf. A000122, A002193 (sqrt(2) decimal expansion), A006487 (Egyptian fraction).
Cf. Other continued fractions for sqrt(a^2+1) = (a, 2a, 2a, 2a....): A040002 (contfrac(sqrt(5)) = (2,4,4,...)), A040006, A040012, A040020, A040030, A040042, A040056, A040072, A040090, A040110 (contfrac(sqrt(122)) = (11,22,22,...)), A040132, A040156, A040182, A040210, A040240, A040272, A040306, A040342, A040380, A040420 (contfrac(sqrt(442)) = (21,42,42,...)), A040462, A040506, A040552, A040600, A040650, A040702, A040756, A040812, A040870, A040930 (contfrac(sqrt(962)) = (31,62,62,...)).
Sequence in context: A211662 A007395 A036453 * A211665 A239374 A262190
N. J. A. Sloane, Dec 11 1999