%I #13 Oct 28 2021 12:37:08
%S 6,18,34,72,114,154,222,292,394,486,652,766
%N Maximal value of difference between successive primes among the first 10^n primes.
%D Enoch Haga, Exploring Primes on Your PC, 2nd edition, 1998, ISBN 1-885794-16-9. Table 2, page 33.
%H Thomas R. Nicely, <a href="https://faculty.lynchburg.edu/~nicely/gaps/gaplist.html">First occurrence prime gaps</a> [For local copy see A000101].
%e Among the first 10 primes, {2,3,...,23,29}, the largest difference is 29-23=6. Therefore 6 is the largest prime gap in the first ten primes.
%t a = 1; b = 1; d = 0; k = 1; Do[ While[k <= 10^n, a = b; b = Prime[k]; If[b - a > d; d = b - a]; k++ ]; Print[d], {n, 12}] (* _Robert G. Wilson v_, Sep 24 2004 *)
%Y Cf. A005250.
%K nonn,more
%O 1,1
%A _Enoch Haga_
%E Edited and extended by _Robert G. Wilson v_, Sep 24 2004