%I #7 Mar 30 2012 16:46:52
%S 9,117,926
%N Number of topological types of 4-connected n-nodal networks.
%D Delgado Friedrichs, O., Dress, A. W. M., Huson, D. H., Klinowski, J. and Mackay, A. L., Systematic enumeration of crystalline networks, Nature, 400 (Aug 12 1999), 644-647 and 617-618.
%H Department of Chemistry, Cambridge University, <a href="http://www-klinowski.ch.cam.ac.uk/SistEnumHome.htm">Systematic enumeration of crystalline networks</a>
%K nonn,hard,bref,more
%O 1,1
%A _N. J. A. Sloane_.