Numerators of a continued fraction for (3+sqrt(13))/2.
(Formerly M2879)

%I M2879 #23 Jan 20 2022 10:18:27

%S 3,10,1297,2186871697,10458512317535240383929505297

%N Numerators of a continued fraction for (3+sqrt(13))/2.

%D N. J. A. Sloane and Simon Plouffe, The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1995 (includes this sequence).

%H Jeffrey Shallit, <a href="http://archive.org/details/jresv80Bn2p285">Predictable regular continued cotangent expansions</a>, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards Sect. B 80B (1976), no. 2, 285-290.

%F From _Peter Bala_, Jan 19 2022: (Start)

%F a(n) = (11/2 + 3/2*sqrt(13))^3^(n-1) + (11/2 - 3/2*sqrt(13))^3^(n-1) - 1.

%F a(1) = 10 and a(n) = a(n-1)^3 + 3*a(n-1)^2 - 3 for n >= 2.

%F a(1) = 10 and a(n) = 13*(Product_{k = 1..n-1} a(k))^2 - 3 for n >= 2.

%F a(n) = A006268(n-1)^2 + 1 for n >= 1.

%F 13 - 9*Product_{n = 1..N} (1 + 2/a(n))^2 = 52/(a(N+1) + 3). Therefore

%F sqrt(13) = 3*(1 + 2/10) * (1 + 2/1297) * (1 + 2/2186871697) * ... The convergence is cubic: the first six factors of the product give sqrt(13) correct to more than 750 decimal places.

%F 3/sqrt(13) = (1 - 2/(10+2)) * (1 - 2/(1297+2)) * (1 - 2/(2186871697+2)) * .... (End)

%p a := proc (n) option remember; if n = 1 then 10 else a(n-1)^3 + 3*a(n-1)^2 - 3 end if; end proc:

%p seq(a(n), n = 1..5); # _Peter Bala_, Jan 19 2022

%Y For denominators see A006274.

%Y Cf. A098316, A002814, A006268, A006271, A006275, A006276.

%K nonn,frac

%O 0,1

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_.