Number of n-node unrooted quartic trees; number of n-carbon alkanes C(n)H(2n+2) ignoring stereoisomers.
(Formerly M0718 N0267)
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 18, 35, 75, 159, 355, 802, 1858, 4347, 10359, 24894, 60523, 148284, 366319, 910726, 2278658, 5731580, 14490245, 36797588, 93839412, 240215803, 617105614, 1590507121, 4111846763, 10660307791, 27711253769
Trees are unrooted, nodes are unlabeled. Every node has degree <= 4.
Ignoring stereoisomers means that the children of a node are unordered. They can be permuted in any way and it is still the same tree. See A000628 for the analogous sequence with stereoisomers counted.
In alkanes every carbon has valence exactly 4 and every hydrogen has valence exactly 1. But the trees considered here are just the carbon "skeletons" (with all the hydrogen atoms stripped off) so now each carbon bonds to 1 to 4 other carbons. The degree of each node is then <= 4.
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Sylvia Wenmackers, Huiswerk (met bijna twintig jaar vertraging) (in Dutch), 2015.
a(n) = A010372(n) + A010373(n/2) for n even, a(n) = A010372(n) for n odd.
Also equals A000022 + A000200 (n>0), both of which have known generating functions. Also g.f. = A000678(x) - A000599(x) + A000598(x^2) = (x + x^2 + 2x^3 + ...) - (x^2 + x^3 + 3x^4 + ...) + (1 + x^2 + x^4 + ...) = 1 + x + x^2 + x^3 + 2x^4 + 3x^5 + ...
G.f.: B(x) - cycle_index(S2,-B(x)) + x * cycle_index(S4,B(x)) = B(x) - (B(x)^2 - B(x^2)) / 2 + x * (B(x)^4 + 6*B(x)^2*B(x^2) + 8*B(x)*B(x^3) + 3*B(x^2)^2 + 6*B(x^4)) / 24, where B(x) = 1 + x * cycle_index(S3,B(x)) = 1 + x * (B(x)^3 + 3*B(x)*B(x^2) + 2*B(x^3)) / 6 is the generating function for A000598. - Robert A. Russell, Jan 16 2023
a(6)=5 because hexane has five isomers: n-hexane; 2-methylpentane; 3-methylpentane; 2,2-dimethylbutane; 2,3-dimethylbutane. - Michael Lugo (mtlugo(AT)mit.edu), Mar 15 2003 (corrected by Andrey V. Kulsha, Sep 22 2011)
A000602 := proc(n)
if n=0 then
end if;
end proc:
n = 40; (* algorithm from Rains and Sloane *)
S3[f_, h_, x_] := f[h, x]^3/6 + f[h, x] f[h, x^2]/2 + f[h, x^3]/3;
S4[f_, h_, x_] := f[h, x]^4/24 + f[h, x]^2 f[h, x^2]/4 + f[h, x] f[h, x^3]/3 + f[h, x^2]^2/8 + f[h, x^4]/4;
T[-1, z_] := 1; T[h_, z_] := T[h, z] = Table[z^k, {k, 0, n}].Take[CoefficientList[z^(n+1) + 1 + S3[T, h-1, z]z, z], n+1];
Sum[Take[CoefficientList[z^(n+1) + S4[T, h-1, z]z - S4[T, h-2, z]z - (T[h-1, z] - T[h-2, z]) (T[h-1, z]-1), z], n+1], {h, 1, n/2}] + PadRight[{1, 1}, n+1] + Sum[Take[CoefficientList[z^(n+1) + (T[h, z] - T[h-1, z])^2/2 + (T[h, z^2] - T[h-1, z^2])/2, z], n+1], {h, 0, n/2}] (* Robert A. Russell, Sep 15 2018 *)
b[n_, i_, t_, k_] := b[n, i, t, k] = If[i<1, 0, Sum[Binomial[b[i-1, i-1,
k, k] + j-1, j]* b[n-i*j, i-1, t-j, k], {j, 0, Min[t, n/i]}]];
b[0, i_, t_, k_] = 1; m = 3; (* m = maximum children *) n = 40;
gf[x_] = 1 + Sum[b[j-1, j-1, m, m]x^j, {j, 1, n}]; (* G.f. for A000598 *)
ci[x_] = SymmetricGroupIndex[m+1, x] /. x[i_] -> gf[x^i];
CoefficientList[Normal[Series[gf[x] - (gf[x]^2 - gf[x^2])/2 + x ci[x],
{x, 0, n}]], x] (* Robert A. Russell, Jan 19 2023 *)
Column k=4 of A144528.
A000602 = A000022 + A000200 for n>0.
Sequence in context: A355190 A208986 A080091 * A034790 A047121 A363307
Additional comments from Steve Strand (snstrand(AT)comcast.net), Aug 20 2003